jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

10 Cool Things about Buddhism

10. Mandalas

Mandalas are a form of sacred art which can be used for meditation, representation of various teachings, and even healing. Sand Mandalas are made in a ritual which represents one of the main buddhists teachings which is the impermanence of all things. Once the mandala is finished, it is ritualistically destoyed and placed in a body of running water to spread the blessings of the mandala everywhere.

9. Koans
A Koan consists of a story, dialogue, question, or statement, the meaning of which cannot be understood by rational thinking but may be accessible through intuition.

8. Non Violence

7. Dalai Lama
One of the most influential people of our time.

6. Quantum Physics

Apparently Buddhism and quantum physics go hand in hand and do not contradict each other.
Buddhists teachings like the heart sutra where they mention "form is emptyness, emptyness is form" are now being proved to be valid by physicists.

5. Crazy monks & masters

Throughout history, there have been many enlightened buddhist masters whose behaviour has been quite eccentric, none the less they were regarded as important spiritual masters. One recent example is that of Chogyam Trungpa who fled Tibet and introduced his crazy wisdom to America.
"He subdues whoever needs to be subdued and destroys whoever needs to be destroyed." The idea here is that whatever your neurosis demands, when you relate with a crazy-wisdom person you get hit back with that. Crazy wisdom presents you with a mirror reflection. That is why Padmasambhava's crazy wisdom is universal. Crazy wisdom knows no limitation and no logic regarding the form it takes."

4. Ohm

It is a powerfull mantra. Some say it is the sound of the universe.

3. Tummo

Tummo is a tibetan buddhist tecnique which is used in meditation to attain certain levels of meditation. It is also used to produce heat and keep the body warm in the freezing heights of the Himalaya. Buddhist monks that master this tecnique are able to dry wet towels on their back at freezing temperatures with the heat generated with this tecnique.

2. Shaolin Kung Fu

One of the most incredible martial arts in the world was developed by buddhist monks in China. Shaolin kung fu is inspired in nature, tecniques copy the style of the tiger, snake and monkey amongst other animals.

1. Tantric Sex

Sex is not prohibited in all schools of buddhism. In Tibet, some schools of buddhism used the sexual energy for spiritual attainment.